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How to study maths to get good marks in jee 13 from now?

Utkarshl Roy , 12 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 4 Answers
Aravind Bommera

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

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Maths is the study of quantity, structure, space and change. It is a tool we use to solve real-life problems. So, proficiency in maths is measured by our ability to use it to solve difficult problems.

Mathematics requires us to practice solving problems with pen and paper. Students who are weak in maths typically spend a lot of time in reading, remembering or trying to understand the problems but are not writing and practicing the problems.

One needs to remember that only by attempting problems in various ways do we become proficient in applying the quickest method in the shortest time. So, practising problems is the easiest way to excel in this subject.

Gunti sivaprasad

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

you study carefully  today onwards. you should study topicwise , and applications oriented.you should follow the one time table , All the best

Aravind Bommera

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

Maths is the study of quantity, structure, space and change. It is a tool we use to solve real-life problems. So, proficiency in maths is measured by our ability to use it to solve difficult problems.

Mathematics requires us to practice solving problems with pen and paper. Students who are weak in maths typically spend a lot of time in reading, remembering or trying to understand the problems but are not writing and practicing the problems.

One needs to remember that only by attempting problems in various ways do we become proficient in applying the quickest method in the shortest time. So, practising problems is the easiest way to excel in this subject.

pvn s

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

I suggest you, arihant publications books, rd sharma and try solving Andhra pradesh intermediate book (its syllabus tallies with that of iitmain)

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